Sökning: "Colin Mack"

Hittade 1 uppsats innehållade orden Colin Mack.

  1. 1. Continuous Delivery : Utmaningar ett förvaltningsuppdrag kan stå inför vid en övergång till Continuous Delivery

    Kandidat-uppsats, Högskolan Dalarna/Informatik

    Författare :Erika Lööf; Colin Mack; [2016]
    Nyckelord :Continuous Delivery; challenges; maintenance management project; Continuous Delivery; utmaningar; förvaltningsuppdrag;

    Sammanfattning : Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach where the focus lays on creating a short delivery cycle by automating parts of the deployment pipeline which includes build, deploy-, test and release process. CD is based on that during development should be possible to always automatically generate a release based on the source code in its current state. LÄS MER