Sökning: "Human resource case study"

Visar resultat 6 - 10 av 304 uppsatser innehållade orden Human resource case study.

  1. 6. Möjligheterna för återvinning eller återanvändning av kaseinfekterad betong

    Uppsats för yrkesexamina på grundnivå, KTH/Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH)

    Författare :Merve Pektas; [2023]
    Nyckelord :Hållbarhet; sjuka hus; återvinning; kasein; betong;

    Sammanfattning : Kvarteret Silverskopan som ligger i centrala Stockholm har sedan länge haft problem med fukt i fastigheterna. De mätningar som gjorts har visat tydliga resultat på höga fukt- och kaseinhalter.  Kasein är ett protein som finns i mjölkprodukter och är ofarligt när det förekommer i torr miljö. LÄS MER

  2. 7. Mine Action and Climate Change: A Case Study of Water in Yemen

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Sociologi

    Författare :Amani Abdulqader; [2023]
    Nyckelord :Climate change; conflict; Yemen; Mine action; water; peacebuilding; sustainable development; resource management; governance; droughts; floods; climate mitigation; risk and disaster management.; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : The following research explores a critical intersection between the work of mine action and the climate. It addresses the amplified impacts of climate change on water in Yemen, a country afflicted by protracted conflict and growing climate threats. LÄS MER

  3. 8. A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Adoption (Focusing on Machine Learning (ML)) on the Organizational Capabilities of the Telecom Industry in Sweden and Finland

    Magister-uppsats, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola/Institutionen för industriell ekonomi

    Författare :Neeraj Verma; [2023]
    Nyckelord :AI; R D; Industry 4.0; Qualitative Analysis; Innovation; Machine Learning; Business Performance; People and Culture; Process and Organization; Telecom; Technology.;

    Sammanfattning : The German government's "Industry 4.0" paradigm transforms technology application across domains using real-time data and connectivity. The telecom sector's reliance on digital, software-driven infrastructure for real-time data and connectivity is paramount. LÄS MER

  4. 9. How is knowledge transfer management used to improve efficient use of human potential? : A case study of knowledge management at a Swedish manufacturing company

    Kandidat-uppsats, KTH/Produktionsutveckling

    Författare :Tuva Fors; [2023]
    Nyckelord :;

    Sammanfattning : Within the manufacturing industry, optimising resource utilisation is crucial for strengthening competitive advantage. However, the significance of acknowledging organisational knowledge as a valuable resource is often overlooked. LÄS MER

  5. 10. Incorporation of Environmental Features into Peacebuilding Initiatives at Three Actor Leadership Levels : A Case Study of Liberia

    Kandidat-uppsats, Linnéuniversitetet/Institutionen för samhällsstudier (SS)

    Författare :Mathilda Olsson; [2023]
    Nyckelord :Environmental Peacebuilding; Conflict; Natural resources; Forest resources; Forest resource management; Human needs; Actors in peacebuilding; Community forestry; Liberia;

    Sammanfattning : Environmental change and degradation, and increasing intrastate armed conflict are two pressing challenges of our time. Regions with highest rates of intrastate armed conflict have shown to overlap with regions of highest dependency on natural resources for livelihood provision and survival, where research of interrelatedness between conflict and environmental degradation, the environment-conflict nexus, increased during the 1990s. LÄS MER