Effects of foam rolling on ankle joint ROM and hamstring flexibility

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap

Sammanfattning: Foam rolling is a popular tool among athletes and recreationally active individuals. The manufacturer's promises athletic improvements but little is known what benefits the foam roller gives. In this intervention study, we will explore self-myofascial release with foam rolling. 17 recreationally active subject foam rolled the hamstring muscle, calf muscles, and plantar fascia for 60 seconds with one leg, the other leg was used as the control group. The ROM and flexibility in the ankle and hip joint were measured with the mobee device, before and after the intervention. SPSS was then used to calculate the differences achieved after rolling. Influencing factors such as gender and activity type were also looked at to find variables that influence the result. No significant results were found when comparing the foam rolling group to the control group, responses to the rolling vary greatly, much like previous research. More research is required to understand why the individual responses differ, research should focus on what effect foam rolling has on muscle and surrounding tissue.

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