Sökning: "Caspar Flink Greiff"

Hittade 2 uppsatser innehållade orden Caspar Flink Greiff.

  1. 1. The Greek debt crisis- using the Solow model to simulate future fiscal balance and output growth

    Magister-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Nationalekonomiska institutionen

    Författare :Caspar Flink Greiff; Erik Holgersson; [2011]
    Nyckelord :Solow model; debt crisis; budget deficit; Greece; forecasting; Business and Economics;

    Sammanfattning : Since the financial crisis of 2008 many European countries have been plagued by growing fiscal deficits and public debts. The country found by many to be the worst off is Greece and in this study we use the Solow model of economic growth to attempt to find a savings level for Greece which provides enough capital for both investment and debt service. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Det japanska deflationsproblemet

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Nationalekonomiska institutionen

    Författare :Caspar Flink Greiff; [2010]
    Nyckelord :Japan; deflation; kvantitetsekvationen; penningtillväxt; NPL; Economics; econometrics; economic theory; economic systems; economic policy; Nationalekonomi; ekonometri; ekonomisk teori; ekonomiska system; ekonomisk politik; Business and Economics;

    Sammanfattning : Uppsatsen beskriver hur den japanska ekonomin har påverkats av de fallande prisnivåerna d.v.s. deflationen i landet sedan 90-talet. LÄS MER