Sökning: "Torah"

Hittade 4 uppsatser innehållade ordet Torah.

  1. 1. Vad är problemet med den besvärlige profeten? En receptionshistorisk analys av Hesekieltexten i Talmud-Bavli

    Kandidat-uppsats, Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion

    Författare :Kim Hesekiel Rosén; [2021-01-28]
    Nyckelord :Ezekiel; Ezekiel 1; Ezekiel 16; Ezekiel s vision; Exegesis; Tractate Hagigah 13; Hashmal; Hekhalot; Jewish Mysticism; Kabbalah; Merkavah; Mishnah; Reception-History; Reception-Theory; Siddur; Talmud-Bavli; Tanakh; Torah; Whore; Work of the Chariot; Zanah;

    Sammanfattning : This essay will examine the reception-history of Ezekiel in Talmud-Bavli, tractate Hagigah 13a, where the issues about Ezekiel are discussed to a length by the Tannaim and Amoraim of their times. This chapter is often (mis)understood as constituting heavy criticisms of the Prophet, when in fact the Sages are underlining the books highly sacred and most holy literary content. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Jesus, en hängiven farisé? En jämförelse mellan Matteusevangeliets Jesus och en modern syn på fariseerna

    Kandidat-uppsats, Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion

    Författare :Mattias Dufvervind; [2018-06-20]
    Nyckelord :Jesus; farisé; fariseer; fariseerna; Matteus; Matteusevangeliet; evangelierna; Josefus; Talmud; Mishnah; Torah; sabbat; sabbaten; E.P Sanders; Jacob Neusner;

    Sammanfattning : This paper is a comparative investigation between the Pharisees and Jesus as described in the Gospel of Matthew. The paper aims to investigate if Jesus was only a pious Jew or if he was a Pharisee and the method used for this investigation is a comparative literary study. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Ha-Torah - den största gåvan eller den tyngsta bördan? Judisk och kristen tolkningstradition

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Kyrko- och missionsstudier

    Författare :Jacqueline Daneberg; [2016]
    Nyckelord :Jewish theology; Christian theology; Judaism; Covenantal Nomism; The Mount of Sinai; Nomos; Ha-Torah; Torah; Leo Baeck; Paulus; Paulinsk teologi; antijudiskhet; antisemitism; Pentateuken; uppenbarelse; den dubbla uppenbarelsen; lag; evangelium; halakha; aggada; judisk teologi; Kristen teologi; lagreligion; dekalogen; torah lismah; Exodus; förbundet; tolkning; tradition; förbundsnomism; Shavuot; Pingst; det utvalda folket; sefirat ha-omer; zeman matan Toratenu; Påsk; Svenska kyrkan; ortodox judendom; Chassidism; modern-ortodox judendom; ultra-ortodox judendom; konservativ judendom; reformjudendom; rekonstruktionistisk judendom; mitzvot; telos; antijudiska motiv; syndabock; antites; ersättningsteologi; Martin Luther; Hugo Odeberg; Krister Stendahl; gudsmordet; judisk-kristen dialog; Paul Van Buren; Jesper Svartvik; panim el-panim.; Philosophy and Religion;

    Sammanfattning : The Jewish concept of Torah (Ha-Torah) is often described as “the Greatest Gift,” especially among Jews themselves. Within the Christian tradition, especially the Lutheran, the Torah seems to reflect rather the opposite – a heavy burden. This essay addresses the relevant issues concerning the Concept of Torah. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Jag ska skapa en människa!

    Master-uppsats, Kungl. Konsthögskolan

    Författare :Gazelle Kianoush; [2013]
    Nyckelord :sound works; ljudverk;

    Sammanfattning : Gazelle Kianoush's the Master essay "Jag ska skapa en människa!" concists of a voice and sound recording. A recorded reading of the text is mixed with sounds and gives emphasise to vocal and acoustic rather than textual and grammatical qualities. LÄS MER