Sökning: "inhumations"

Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 6 uppsatser innehållade ordet inhumations.

  1. 1. VAR FINNS BARNEN? : En osteoarkeologisk specialstudie över vikingatida brandgravar från Stora Ihre, Hellvi socken, Gotland.

    Master-uppsats, Stockholms universitet/Osteoarkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet

    Författare :Moa Gillberg; [2023]
    Nyckelord :Early iron age; Viking age; cremations; age assessment; child; childhood.; Gotland; yngre järnålder; vikingatid; brandgravar; kremering; åldersbedömning; barn; barndom; Stora Ihre; Hellvi socken;

    Sammanfattning : During the Viking Age, the burials on Gotland consisted of both cremations and inhumations. However, inhumation became increasingly common at the end of that period. Furthermore, several children have been identified around the island, but almost all of them are in inhumation graves. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Det tidigkristna gravskicket : Återkommande avvikelser och gemensamma drag

    Master-uppsats, Stockholms universitet/Arkeologi

    Författare :Fredrik Palmqvist; [2021]
    Nyckelord :Kristnandet; kristnandeprocessen; gravarkeologi; ritualer; tidig medeltid; sen vikingatid; yngre järnåldern; gravskickl;

    Sammanfattning : This thesis analyses inhumations in Late Viking Age and Early Middle Ages in Sweden and brings recognition to a material previously not delt with in a comprehensive study. The graves of the first Christians have long interested scholars. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Hounds of Hel: an osteological investigation of dog skeletons in Vendel Period–Viking Age inhumations at Valsgärde cemetery, Sweden.

    Master-uppsats, Uppsala universitet/Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia

    Författare :Christopher Nichols; [2018]
    Nyckelord :dog; zooarchaeology; osteology; funerary archaeology; boat burial; Scandinavia; Vendel Period; Viking Age;

    Sammanfattning : The cemetery of Valsgärde, Sweden contains 92 human graves dating from the 3rdc. BCE to the 11thc. CE, the majority and most elaborate of which date to the Vendel and Viking Ages (approximately 500-1100 CE). This total consists of 15 unburnt boat graves, 15 inhumation and chamber graves, and 62 cremations. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Det obetydliga : om fiskhuvudformiga hängen, sociala praktiker och förändring, 600-1200 e. Kr.

    Master-uppsats, Uppsala universitet/Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia

    Författare :Victor Niels Love Melander; [2014]
    Nyckelord :Fish-head pendant; Iron Age; Vendel Age; Viking Age; Middle Ages; Social practices; Change; Hoards; Funeral practices; Keywords: Fiskhuvudformigt hänge; järnålder; Gotland; vendeltid; vikingatid; medeltid; sociala praktiker; förändring; depå; silverskatt; gravskick;

    Sammanfattning : Fish-head pendants are one of the characteristic Gotlandic Late Iron Age artefacts. This object has been rather neglected and mainly considered as an insignificant embellishment, normally worn as a neck-collar and seen as an artefact include in the typical Gotlandic set of female jewellery. LÄS MER

  5. 5. Gravar i stenskepp : Osteologisk analys av brända och obrända ben från skeppssättningar på Gotland

    Kandidat-uppsats, Institutionen för kultur, energi och miljö

    Författare :Anders Gustavsson; [2011]
    Nyckelord :Stone ship settings; bronze age; Gotland; cremation; inhumations; iron age;

    Sammanfattning : In this study bone material from six stone ship settings and a total of seven deposits of bones from two sites on the island of Gotland have been analyzed. Four ship settings from the burial site at Gålrum in Alskog parish and two from Tängelgårda in Lärbro parish. The ships contained both cremated remains and inhumations. LÄS MER