Sökning: "melt-out till"

Hittade 5 uppsatser innehållade orden melt-out till.

  1. 1. Implications of a rapidly thinning ice-margin for annual moraine formation at Gornergletscher, Switzerland

    Master-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Geologiska institutionen

    Författare :Lukas Rettig; [2020]
    Nyckelord :Recessional moraines; Ice-marginal processes; Glacier retreat; Glacial geomorphology; Glacial sedimentology; Alpine glaciers; Swiss Alps; Earth and Environmental Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : This study examines genetic processes and climatological significance of annual moraine formation in the foreland of Gornergletscher, a large alpine-valley glacier located in the southern Swiss Alps. A particular focus is set on moraine ridges that have been forming between 2007 and 2019, a period when the glacier has been subject to accelerated retreat and pronounced frontal thinning. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Morängenetiska undersökningar i klintar vid Greifswalder Boddens södra kust, NÖ Tyskland

    Magister-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Geologiska institutionen

    Författare :Saskia Eriksson; [1998]
    Nyckelord :Late Weichselian glacial sediments; clast fabric; lodgement till; melt-out till; flow till; Earth and Environmental Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : Coastal cliffs on the southern coast of Greifswalder Bodden, NE Germany, has been studied in detail at representative sections by means of lithological and structural mapping, clast fabric analyses and sampling for grain size distribution and rock composition analyses. Three genetically different diamict units (I, II and III) were distinguished. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Distributionen av kadmium i moränmark kring St. Olof, SÖ Skåne

    Magister-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Geologiska institutionen

    Författare :Anna-Karin Modin; [1998]
    Nyckelord :geografi; geologi; kadmium; moränmark; St. Olof; Skåne; Earth and Environmental Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : High concentrations of cadmium have been found in soils, groundwater and vegetation around the village of St. Olof, SE Scania, southern Sweden. Variations in the cadmium concentrations are interpreted as influenced by local geology. A thin basal melt-out till dominated by local bedrock covers the area. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Moränsedimentologisk undersökning och bestämning av postglacialt bildade järn- och manganmineral i en drumlinformad rygg

    Magister-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Geologiska institutionen

    Författare :Mats Åkesson; [1997]
    Nyckelord :geografi; geologi; moränsedimentologi; postglacial; järnmineral; manganmineral; Earth and Environmental Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: När Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) karterade nordöstra Skåne påträffades dels kalksediment i ett annars gnejsdominerat område, dels ett gyttjeliknande manganförande material i en husbehovstäkt i Broestorp, 2 km SSV om Sibbhult, NO Skåne. Syftet med min undersökning var att dokumentera och bestämma bildningen för moränskärningarna i täkten, utbredningen av kalkberggrunden samt närmare bestämma innehållet och bildningen av manganmaterialet. LÄS MER

  5. 5. Moränstratigrafisk undersökning i kustklintar, NV Polen

    Master-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Geologiska institutionen

    Författare :Per Johansson; [1992]
    Nyckelord :kustklint; moränstratigrafi; geografi; geologi; Polen; Earth and Environmental Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : Summary: This study is a part of the project "Lithostratigraphy and glacial dynamics during the Pomerian Phase". The objective is to solve the problems concerning the deglaciation of the south Baltic area during the last glaciation. The Polish Baltic coast is under heavy erosion from the seawaves. LÄS MER