Sökning: "socialhögskolan missbruk"

Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 121 uppsatser innehållade orden socialhögskolan missbruk.

  1. 1. Att själv skapa sin identitet - eller att låta andra ta över. En kvalitativ studie av självbiografiska berättelser.

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

    Författare :Angela Eskilsson; [2024]
    Nyckelord :gruppåverkan; identitet; normer; missbruk; drogmissbruk; alkoholmissbruk; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : En betydande del av befolkningen i Sverige är idag beroende av alkohol eller droger. Genom att göra en kvalitativ studie av fyra självbiografier, skrivna av före detta missbrukare av alkohol och narkotika, var syftet att undersöka hur grupper påverkar individer i olika sociala situationer. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Ideella organisationer - norr och söder om ekvatorn. En kvalitativ studie om ideella organisationers arbete med missbruk i Skåne och Kapstaden.

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

    Författare :Rasmus Johnsson; Alexander Fridén; [2023]
    Nyckelord :non-profit organizations; addiction; Cape Town; Skåne; substance abuse; new institutional perspective; organizational flexibility; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : The aim of this study was to examine what people working closely with clients for non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Skåne and Cape Town think about conditions and challenges in regard to the organizations’ operation. The focus is on organizations working with substance abuse. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Upplevd missbruksvård och stigmatisering - En komparativ analys mellan injektionsmissbruk och annat typ av missbruk

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

    Författare :Moa Steen; Oliver Larsson; [2023]
    Nyckelord :substance abuse treatment; drug injection; stigma; substance abuse; perception experience of medical care; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : The aim of this study was to examine experienced substance abuse treatment among those who at some point have received health care because of addiction in Sweden. The method used was a quantitative survey that was sent out to different websites directed to people who currently have or have had addiction issues for which they got treatment, with the purpose of comparing experienced substance abuse treatment between groups of different types of substance abuse. LÄS MER

  4. 4. ''Även om jag sneglar mot döden, vill jag inte dö. Bara ibland'' En kvalitativ studie om att vara anhörig till närstående med missbruksproblematik.

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

    Författare :Josefine Lindahl; [2022]
    Nyckelord :Relatives; misuser; codependency; help for relatives; alcohol; drugs.; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : The purpose of this study is to investigate how relatives experience living next to close relative with substance abuse problems. And what the support the relatives have received from various agencies that they have come into contact with in connection with their related abuse. LÄS MER

  5. 5. Se hela mig och mitt liv! En hermeneutisk undersökning om den enskildes servicemottagarens syn på upplevelsen av skam och stigmatisering

    Kandidat-uppsats, Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

    Författare :Anna Forslund; [2022]
    Nyckelord :Organizational theory; system theory; networks; networking; collaboration; coordination; systems; communication; financial assistance; substance abuse; shame; stigma; Social Sciences;

    Sammanfattning : There is today a growing interest in psychological research to see how the feeling of shame affects individuals who are in vulnerable situation in our welfare society. In an attempt to shed light on how the individual servicerecipient experiences the treatment from government officials, a qualitative approach was adopted in this study. LÄS MER