Integration - en lagsport? en kvalitativ studie av yrkesverksammas reflektioner kring samlevnad

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

Sammanfattning: Integration is a frequently used concept and the majority of us have an apprehension of its significance, but do we agree on its content? Upon further examination, we have become aware of the complexity of integration as a concept. During the study we entered the field of professionals in contact with the Swedish introduction program for immigrants, with the purpose to discover their interpretation of integration. The aim was to determine the basic ideas they have about integration and who is responsible for that happening. The questions we formulated were: • What do the professionals consider the conception integration to be? • Who do the professionals express should be integrated and to what/who? • Who do they mention as responsible for integrating individuals to society? We have used a qualitative method to examine these questions and have interviewed a total of nine professionals where all of them work close to the introduction program for immigrants. We have mainly proceeded on an inductive way of working. To analyze the outcome of the study we have applied the theory of Governmentality and a second theory that separates integration into a Primary- and Secondary phase. A conclusion of this study is, that even within the field there is an uncertainty regarding integration as a concept. A mutual viewpoint within the professionals is that integration as a phenomenon is intended for all human beings. Furthermore they indicate that the “real integration” happens when true social relations are established and emphasize that it is essential for newcomers to receive correct information in the receiver country. Throughout this study, we have been able to identify three elements of responsibility of the implementation of integration; the state, the majority group and the minority groups which often includes newcomers. The study shows that all individuals have a responsibility to reach an integrated society.

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