Metadonunderhållningsbehandling - Överensstämmer den i teori och praktik?: en studie av metadonbehandling ur ett etiskt perspektiv

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

Sammanfattning: The purpose of this essay was to find out if the Swedish methadone program was ethically justifiable by comparing it in theory and practice. Our main questions were: - Is it ethically justifiable to replace one addictive substance with another? - Are the criterias of the the National Swedish Social Welfare Board being fulfilled? - Is the methadoneprograms purpose agreeable in practice and theory? - Does life change for methadonepatients, if yes, then how? We interviewed patients and staff at the methadoneprogram in Lund and other actively involved in the subject of methadone. We also studied articles, books and reports on the subject. We found that the methadoneprograms purpose is not agreeable in practice and theory, but the program is still ethically justifiable in certain individual cases. We also found that the absence of social and mental rehabilitation is the biggest deficiency in the program.

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