Vägar mot jämställdhet : En tillgänglighetsanalys av Uppsalas nuvarande och framtida kollektivtrafiknät ur ett genusperspektiv

Detta är en Uppsats för yrkesexamina på avancerad nivå från Uppsala universitet/Avdelningen för visuell information och interaktion

Sammanfattning: In this master thesis an availability analysis from a genderperspective of the public transport net in Uppsala, Sweden, has beencarried out. The current public transport net as well as plannedadditions, including tram and commuter train, have been subject tothe analysis. The overall aim of the thesis was to examine how theplanned tram and commuter train would affect equality, and morespecifically the even distribution of the unpaid care and house work.This was simplified to imply at least equal availability to units ofreproduction, which were represented by preschools, elementaryschools, grocery stores, health centers and hospitals, compared tounits of production, which were represented by companies with morethan 100 employees. Average travel times from different residential areas in the city ofUppsala to units of production were computed, and compared withaverage travel times to units of reproduction. Moreover, theproportion of units of production and reproduction within ten minutesdistance of the tram and commuter train stops respectively, wascalculated and compared. The analysis was carried out with theNetwork Analyst extension of the geographical information systemsprogram ArcGIS. The results show that the average travel times were 0.20 minutesshorter in favor of the units of production before the implementationof the tram and commuter train, whereas the average travel times were0.57 minutes shorter in favor of the units of reproductionafterwards. The proportion of units of production within ten minutesdistance of the tram and commuter train stops was 20%, whereas theproportion of units of reproduction was 30%. Hence, the availability increases more for units of reproduction thanfor units of production. Based on the results of this study as wellas gender research on mobility, the planned infrastructure projectwould be beneficial from an equality point of view, regarding theeven distribution of the unpaid care and house work.

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