Prekariatet som klass?

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Sociologi

Sammanfattning: This is a bachelor thesis using qualitative methods to investigate people in insecure socio- economic situations. The purpose of this thesis is to, in an explorative way, investigate, both theoretically and empirically, what people in insecure socio-economic situations have in common, in what ways they differ from each other, and where they can be placed in a class structure. For this purpose, 6 people in insecure socio-economic situations have been interviewed and analysed using Marxist class theory and Guy Standing’s theories about the precariat. Through this, the thesis tries to answer the following research question: can socio-economically insecure groups constitute a class through their daily life experiences, and if so how, and how does this form a possible class consciousness? Through the research question the thesis has come to deal with what these people have in common in their daily life, and what differentiates them, as well as an investigation of a possible class consciousness and the political statements that the respondents have given. As the investigation itself is explorative no far-reaching conclusions is intended to be drawn from it, rather it presents an option to explore the field and opens up new questions and investigations. This regards primarily class consciousness and how it is established, as it constitutes a complex relation between the material situation and establishing an identity. Concerning the use of different concepts of class, the marxist version is found more useful than the theories concerning the precariat, as marxist theories combines tools for micro-level analysis of class as well as a broader critique of the system itself.

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