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Sammanfattning: Background: Mood disorder is a collective name for the diagnoses of depression and bipolar syndrome. The suicide risk is higher in this patient group than in the normal population. As a nurse, it is important to have knowledge of how suicidal risk is identified in this patient group, as well as how to prevent it. In order to be able to detect the risk of suicide, a careful suicide risk assessment is required, where risk factors and protective factors are identified. In the work with suicide prevention, it is important to start from person-centred care approach that includes partnership between patient and carer, the patient's story and documentation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how nurses should work with suicide prevention in patients with mood disorders. Method: Using the PIO-model, a structured information search is carried out in the databases Pubmed and Cinahl. The results in the articles were analyzed and compiled to find measures carried out by nurses for the purpose of suicide prevention. Results: Detection of suicidal risk in patients with mood disorders is an important action, as is the nurse's courage to have an open conversation with the patient about bis or hers suicidal thoughts. In the acute setting, measures such as making sure the patient could not harm themself with their belongings and creating a safe environment for the patient were the most important. Education regarding suicide prevention for nurses was found to lower the suicide risk in the patient group. Conclusion: This literature study shows that it is usually the nurse who meets the patient first and makes the first assessment, which means that their competence and experience are of great importance. Person-centred dialogues are important for patients, where the patient's story should be the main focus. The study also shows that there are certain differences in how the risk of suicide occurs in men and women. Further research may be necessary to understand why these differences exist, but also to know approaches in suicide prevention that work for both sexes.

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