Den postkoloniala paradoxen? En undersökning om eurocentrism och dess förekomst inom postkolonial teori

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Författare: Jonas Elamson; [2009]

Nyckelord: Law and Political Science;

Sammanfattning: Is it possible that a theoretical field that is critical to Eurocentrim itself is the bearer of Eurocentric ideas? The main purpose for this thesis is to a answer this question through an analysis of Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Homi K Bhabha, all associated to the core of the post-colonial theoretical field. I create a theoretical approach to the term Eurocentrism from, mainly, John Hobsons statement that one can be eurocentric and at the same time critical to the West and James Blauts diffusonism. Based on this theoretical approach I create my analytical tools, inspired by the analysis of ideas. Said and Fanon gave Europe a central role in the identity creation of the East wich I identified as Eurocentric. The aim of this thesis is also to participate constructively in a broader discussion of Eurocentrism. Therefore my theoretical approach was improved when I found it neccesary. When Spivak was criticised for homogenising both the ”first” and the ”third” world I felt it necessary to discuss how homogenisation can be linked to Eurocentrism. The discussion about Spivak is inspired by Bhabhas discussion about stereotyping as a important part of the Eurocentric discourse.

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