Sökning: "tillskrivningsmetoder för författarskap"

Hittade 1 uppsats innehållade orden tillskrivningsmetoder för författarskap.

  1. 1. En bibliometrisk kartläggning av det astronomiska/astrofysikaliska forskningsområdet ”extrasolar planets”

    Magister-uppsats, Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Bibliotekshögskolan

    Författare :Lennart Fjällmyr; [2010]
    Nyckelord :citeringsanalys; lotka’s lag; bibliometri; tillskrivningsmetoder för författarskap;

    Sammanfattning : The purpose of this study was to bibliometrically investigate and describe the research area called “extrasolar planets”. The research questions were: Which authors were mostly cited within the area when the first authors (and their co-authors) were considered? Which authors were found in most co-occurrences? Did particular author collaborations emerge?To which institutions were most authors affiliated and did the size of the institution have an influence on whether an author was cited?What was the geographic distribution of authors and institutions and were there any patterns of collaboration?Did the image of dominating institutions and countries depend on the viewpoint?How applicable was Lotka’s law on the collected data? The data was collected from citation lists in documents from the database Arxiv. LÄS MER