Etik på bibliotek : en kvalitativ studie av ett antal folkbibliotekaries yrkesetiska tankar och erfarenheter

Detta är en Magister-uppsats från Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Bibliotekshögskolan

Sammanfattning: The theme of this thesis is the professional ethics of public librarians. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with fourteen public librarians, with the aim to investigate their thoughts·and opinions concerning professional ethics and their experiences of ethical dilemmas in professional situations. The result shows that the majority of the librarians often discuss problems concerning what's right or wrong but that the discussions are conducted on the basis of practical situations and not in terms of professional ethics. The majority have vague ideas of how the term professional ethics should be applied on the work of public librarians, though all the interviewees consider the professional ethical discussion to be important. We examine the librarians opinions and experiences of ethical dilemmas conceming four subject areas: the principle of the librarian as a neutral and nonrestricting information intermediary, the principle of equal treatment of all the library visitors, difficulties. concerning media selection and the problems based upon the librarians flexibility towards the intemal rules of the library. The librarians experienced the behaviour towards the visitors as the greatest problem. Media selection is also concidered to be a problem area. Neither the role as a neutral intermediary nor the flexibility towards intemal rules creates major ethical dilemmas for the interviewed librarians. The results of our study is put in relation to theories concerning the role of professiona! ethics in the development of a profession.

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