Sökning: "Angela Y Davis"

Hittade 1 uppsats innehållade orden Angela Y Davis.

  1. 1. Att lyssna till meningen i mellanrummet : En läsning av Jean-Luc Nancys Listening ur Jacques Derridas différance i klangen av musikens blå toner

    Kandidat-uppsats, Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för kultur och lärande

    Författare :Tanja Ulriksson; [2020]
    Nyckelord :Listening; meaning; différance; blues; sonority; blue notes; in between; border; subject; Jacques Derrida; Angela Y Davis; Jean-Luc Nancy.; Derrida; différance; Jean-Luc Nancy; lyssna; listening; blues; Jaques Derrida; mellanrum; klang; blå toner; Angela Davis;

    Sammanfattning : This essay attempts to listen to meaning in the borderland, and asks in between which faculties and senses, through which we see and/or listen to the world, do we seek sense? My writing is located on this border, or more precisely on the erased border that I call an interspace or an interval, the place where we look for sense in the relation between language, philosophy, politics, and music. I have done this through the reading of three contemporary philosophers: Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Angela Davis. LÄS MER