Unga som sexuellt debuterat före eller i nionde klass - psykisk hälsa, svåra händelser i uppväxten och sexuella riskbeteenden

Detta är en Master-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Institutionen för psykologi

Sammanfattning: Aim: This study investigated the relationship between sexual debut at the age of 15 years of age and psychological health, difficult life experiences and sexual risk taking behaviour. Methods: A sample of 77 Swedish 15 year old students completed a survey about sexuality, psychological health and difficult life experiences. Results: Those who had their sexual debut at 15 years of age or younger had not experienced more difficulties in life or had a poorer psychological health than the reference group. There was a significant difference between the groups regarding sexual interest/knowledge where those who had debuted sexually masturbated more, had more unprotected sex and seemed to be more occupied by sexual thoughts as they reported that they commented sex more than their peers both when accompanied by adult and peers. Discussion: The results indicate that adolescents who had debuted sexually had a greater interest in sex in general and a somewhat risk full sexual behavior. We need to find new ways to minimize the possible damages from sexual risk taking behavior in adolescents.

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