LVU ur ett könsperspektiv - En tematisk analys av hur pojkars och flickors beteenden framställs inom 3§ LVU

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

Sammanfattning: The aim of this study was to examine how youths’ behaviors are portrayed within Swedish administrative courts verdicts regarding compulsory care in 3§ LVU (the Care of young person act) and to examine potential gender differences. The study was conducted with a qualitative research method through a thematic analysis of court verdicts. The selection for the empirical material was based on the following criteria; the verdicts needed to concern 3§ LVU and have gained legal effect after 2020-01-01, considering the legislation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child in Sweden. The empirical material was based on 15 girls' and 15 boys' verdicts. Judith Butler’s and Yvonne Hirdman’s gender theories were used as the theoretical framework for the analysis. This study found that the behavior regarding addiction was described similarly for both boys and girls, with a clear focus on consumption. Regarding gender differences, this study showed that boys tended to be described as active subjects who were difficult to control. Girls on the other hand were described as passive objects who were difficult to protect and were often victims of other boys’ or men’s behavior. Moreover, mental illness was not emphasized for the boys as much as it was for the girls, even if mental illness appeared to be a problem for the boys too. The conclusion that was made upon the gender similarities was that they differed from previous studies on addiction, which was understood by the fact that those studies were old. Regarding the gender differences, the conclusion was that they expressed gender stereotypes. Moreover, both boys and girls risk being affected negatively by gender stereotypes; girls because they were given responsibility for the behavior of other people, and boys because their mental illness was not considered.

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