Sökning: "Ann-Sofie Lans"

Hittade 1 uppsats innehållade orden Ann-Sofie Lans.

  1. 1. Nej, inte rita. Låna! : 3-4-åriga barns informationsbeteende på folkbibliotekets barnavdelning

    Magister-uppsats, Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Bibliotekshögskolan

    Författare :Ann-Sofie Lans; [2006]
    Nyckelord :småbarn; informationsbeteende; kulturella redskap; bibliotek; folkbibliotek; barnavdelning; sociokulturellt perspektiv;

    Sammanfattning : The aim of this study was to examine how children in ages 3 to 4 use the public library with the research questions: What does children’s, in ages between 3 and 4, information behavior look like when they visit a public library in leisure time with a parent? What is the nature of interaction between child and parent, child and the staff of the library, and between child and other visitors? What is the function of the cultural tools in relation to the children’s information behavior? The theoretical frame of reference consisted of Lev Vygotsky’s “the zone of proximal development” and Roger Säljö’s theory about using cultural tools. To answer the questions I have observed 4 children together with their mothers and siblings at a public library. LÄS MER