"Det tredelade föräldraskapet" - En kvalitativ studie om diskurser och samverkan i JO-beslut.

Detta är en Kandidat-uppsats från Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan

Sammanfattning: The aim of this study was to shed light on the cooperation between biological parents, foster parents and the social services regarding when a child is placed according to LVU, Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga, by examining how participation and cooperation is presented in decisions made by JO (Justitieombudsmannen). This cooperation between these three parties is called the three-way parenting or out-of-home placement and has been a starting point for the study. The method chosen for this study was qualitative document analysis and eleven JO-decisions has been analyzed. In analyzing our results, the social constructivist perspective with a focus on discourse were implemented to find patterns in how cooperation and participation was constructed. Also how the best interest of the child was expressed and considered in the decision-making. The concept of a out-of-home placement was not expressed frequently in the JO-decisions but it was still described in other words. This study found that both foster parents and biological parents express that cooperation is hard. Biological parents feel diminished in their parenting role. If possible, to the situation, "the three-way parenting" or out-of-home placement method could be used as a way of working when children are placed in a foster care. Closer cooperation between the parties can amplify the best interests of the child and help all parties to be developed in this particular case.

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